Home 音樂新聞 2015年新聞 Jim Root 的吉他被偷了

Jim Root 的吉他被偷了



Slipknot 上個周末才結束 Aftershock 以及 Knotfest 的表演,不過當 Jim Root 回到他的練習室時發現他的吉他被偷了。雖然並不影響之後的表演不過 Root 還是十分心疼。


This was just stolen from our jam room at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland. While we were on stage. Fucking thieves. Nothing worse.

James Root(@stuperbee)張貼的相片 於 張貼



同時 Jim 的長期交往女朋友 Christina Scabbia 也分享了這篇訊息,並且將型號以及序號公布。  

THIEF ALERT!!!!! Dear coilers, maggots,friends around the globe. Someone stole this guitar from the Slipknot rehearsal room while they were on stage tonight at the Memorial Coliseum Portland. It is a FENDER guitar, SATIN SILVER WITH A PATINA COPPER PICK GUARD, the same one that is in this picture. Serial number: US11278640 Please share share share this post as much as you can, keep an eye around the city and internet and help us find @stuperbee ‘s guitar and whoever stole it (or simply take it back) ! If you’re a real fan I can understand you want to have something that belongs to your idol… But that’s the wrong way to do it and it is depriving another person of something that might means memories and something more than an “item”! If whoever got this guitar is reading this PLEASE take it back or send me a private message! We can all do something stupid and taking it back is what can bring a lot of honor back to you. From zero to hero! Think about it and be a man. If you have infos send me a pm here or please tag #huntfor4 so it’s easier to keep an eye on the posts on Instagram. Thank you all!!! #fender #slipknot #guitar #help Cristina Scabbia ✔️(@missscabbia)張貼的相片 於 張貼


其實這不是 Slipknot 第一次被偷,在 2013 年  Corey Taylor 價值將近 36000 美金的器材也曾經不見,其中還包含  Paul Gray 兩把 Bass 。不過近期他已經找回了 98 % 的器材。只能說貴重物品真的要非常妥善的小心保管,不然有時候器材被偷事小,回憶以及聲音配方不見才是最恐怖的。


Jim Root 遺失的吉他序號 : US11278640



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資料來源: Loudwire